Embracing Change in Online Education: Insights from a Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative Fellow
Embracing Change in Online Education: Insights from a Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative Fellow
New Blog Series: Scaling Evidence-Based Edtech in Postsecondary Education
New Blog Series: Scaling Evidence-Based Edtech in Postsecondary Education
Read Part 2: Who are the Customers for EdTech Innovations?
Improving Online STEM Education: Insights from a Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative Fellow
Improving Online STEM Education: Insights from a Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative Fellow
Two New Publications Highlight Practical Examples of SDL Skill Support in Online Courses
Two New Publications Highlight Practical Examples of SDL Skill Support in Online Courses
Lessons from Research: Centering Equity in Postsecondary STEM Education
Lessons from Research: Centering Equity in Postsecondary STEM Education

Supporting Faculty and Student Success in Online Courses

The Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative is a federally funded research, development, and capacity-building center. The Collaborative studies technology-enabled instructional strategies and creates resources to help faculty support students in applying and strengthening their self-directed learning skills in online courses.  

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The Latest from the Collaborative

Sense of Belonging

Perceived social support on campus, which includes having a feeling of connectedness and feeling cared about and valued.

To support online students in developing SDL skills, researchers need effective metrics to track the extent to which students have developed these skills.

Applied Learning Strategies

Learning techniques and self-discipline strategies that help learners to take greater ownership for achieving specific learning goals.

We believe that relatively simple instructional enhancements … can improve students’ course grades in STEM, their use of self-directed learning processes, and their confidence and motivation as learners.

A big advantage of higher education is the abundance of innovative faculty members with autonomy to choose instructional tools and resources.

Growth Mindset

Ability to perceive learning challenges as opportunities to improve intelligence, knowledge, and skills in a domain.