About The Collaborative

The Collaborative is a research, development, and capacity-building center that studies technology-enabled instructional strategies and creates resources to help faculty teach and use technology more effectively to support students in applying and strengthening their self-directed learning in online courses.

Who are we?

The Collaborative is a partnership of SRI Education, the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College, Achieving the Dream, and nine broad-access colleges and universities.    

What are we doing?

The Collaborative is working with our partner colleges and universities to investigate how to support STEM instructors to help students develop skills to manage their online learning. These self-directed learning skills include: 

  • motivation to learn
  • planning and monitoring learning tasks  
  • selecting applied learning strategies  
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What does our five-year project include?

  • Interviews, focus groups, and surveys with students, faculty, and administrators and a synthesis of existing research
  • Rapid-cycle experiments to test new online tools that help STEM faculty incorporate self-directed learning instructional strategies into their online courses
  • Development of an instructional model and toolkit so colleges and universities can use what we learn
  • Creation of opportunities for authentic exchanges and collaboration around improving student supports and spreading the word about the promise of self-directed learning

Questions? Contact the Collaborative.