
Our Team: Advisors

Overview    Staff College & University Partners Advisors Debshila Basu-MallickDirector of Research, OpenStax-Rice University Debshila Basu-Mallick is the Director of Research at OpenStax-Rice University, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving access to learning resources and enriching learning experiences for all. More recently, they were appointed as the Scientific Director of the newly launched SafeInsights, the largest … Continue reading Our Team: Advisors

Our Team: College and University Partners

Overview    Staff College & University Partners Advisors The Collaborative works directly with partner colleges and universities to study how they help students strengthen and apply self-directed learning skills. Understanding the current context across our partner institutions will help us design studies to test what kinds of instructional strategies work best for which students. The contextual … Continue reading Our Team: College and University Partners

Our Team: Staff

Overview    Staff College & University Partners Advisors Jessica Mislevy, Principal Investigator Jessica Mislevy co-directs SRI’s Digital Learning & Technology Policy program, in which she studies highly innovative teaching and learning approaches that use advanced technology in the STEM disciplines. With a background in measurement and statistics, she leads mixed-methods research, evaluation, and technical assistance projects … Continue reading Our Team: Staff