
Instructional Model and Toolkit

In collaboration with the Collaborative’s college partners, researchers will design an instructional model for supporting development of self-directed learning mindsets and skills in online courses. The model will be informed by findings from earlier research activities and will emphasize strategies that benefit students from historically marginalized backgrounds.

Test of self-directed learning strategies

Overview Policies & Practices Test Self-directed Learning Strategies Instructional Model & Toolkit In rapid-cycle experiments, STEM course instructors from our institutional partners participate in tests of specific, technology-enable strategies to support students’ development of self-directed learning skills and mindsets. Collaborative researchers identified a series of evidence-based strategies, and now they partner with the STEM instructors … Continue reading Test of self-directed learning strategies

Policies & Practices Study

Overview Policies & Practices Test Self-directed Learning Strategies Instructional Model & Toolkit Collaborative researchers and partner institutions are examining how instructors can enhance teaching practices designed to improve students’ ability to manage their responsibilities as learners in online foundational STEM courses. Using interviews, focus groups, and a student survey, Collaborative researchers are investigating how faculty … Continue reading Policies & Practices Study