Happy New Year from the Postsecondary Collaborative!

February 2, 2024 | By Rebecca Grifiths and Nikki Edgecombe

Photo of road with 2024

We at the Postsecondary Collaborative are extraordinarily grateful to our institutional partners and advisors for your work with us in 2023 to support faculty and students in online STEM courses. We thank you for your continued partnership and inspiration as we learn about practices to help faculty support students’ self-directed learning mindsets and skills and about institutional efforts to support students’ success in online settings.

We also appreciate all of you who participated in our outreach activities, especially those of you who traveled to present with us at conferences nationwide to build awareness and promote engagement with our work.

In 2024, we’re excited to continue our work by:

  • Developing and testing strategies for supporting diverse students’ motivation and skills for managing their learning in online STEM courses
  • Collaborating with faculty and institutional partners to learn what works and build capacity to implement effective and inclusive strategies
  • Engaging with the field to share what we are learning, build capacity to implement evidence-based practices, and bridge gaps between practitioners, researchers, and educational technology (edtech) developers

What does this mean for you? We have a number of engagement opportunities in the coming months, including:

  • Presentations at Achieving the Dream’s annual DREAM conference in Orlando, taking place February 19–22
  • A discovery session at Online Learning Consortium’s OLC Innovate conference in Denver, taking place April 10–13
  • A presentation at the Council on the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC) conference in Pittsburgh, taking place April 18–20
  • Live and asynchronous moderated discussions with leading experts on topics ranging from scaling evidence-based products in postsecondary education to designing impactful, evidence-based edtech
  • New research findings on supporting online learning from the perspectives of faculty, staff, and students
  • A podcast highlighting a conversation with a Collaborative researcher on her commitment to our work
  • Blog posts sharing insights about inclusive teaching practices, our evolving understanding around the definition of and framework for self-directed learning, and perspectives from edtech developers
  • And more!

As a Collaborative, community engagement is vital to our mission. To discuss these opportunities or share your ideas, please reach out to us. To stay up to date, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter, and follow SRI Education on LinkedIn and X.

Warm regards,

Rebecca Grifiths and Nikki Edgecombe, Principal Investigators, on behalf of the Collaborative

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