Tag: Instructional Strategies

Listening to Students: Experiences of SDL in Online Courses

As part of the Collaborative’s efforts to foster and support students’ self-directed learning (SDL) in online courses, we have explored the research literature, consulted experts, collaborated with our college partners, and gathered perspectives from administrators, staff, and faculty.

38th International Self-Directed Learning Symposium

Join us for the International Society for Self-Directed Learning’s annual symposium in Tampa, FL, for a discussion of the Collaborative’s efforts to support the development of self-directed learning skills in online college settings.

DREAM 2025 Annual Convening

Join us at Achieving the Dream’s annual flagship event, DREAM, for a discussion of technology-enabled instructional strategies designed to grow students’ self-directed learning in online STEM courses.

Beyond Engagement: Promoting Motivation and Learning in Online Courses

Online courses have become an increasingly common feature of the higher education landscape, expanding access and offering flexibility for students.

2025 AAC&U Conference on Learning and Student Success (CLASS)

Join us at the AAC&U Conference on Learning and Student Success (CLASS), where we will discuss an ongoing empirical study of self-directed learning support in online courses at community colleges and broad-access universities.

Practitioners Leading the Way: Developing a Model for Self-Directed Learning in Online Courses

In online courses, students are expected to take more ownership of planning their learning approaches and study methods, organizing their time, seeking help, and following through on coursework. In online STEM courses, these expectations are compounded by disciplinary cultures that have traditionally emphasized meritocracy and competitiveness.

Practical Strategies to Support Online STEM Students: Insights from the Collaborative’s Fall 2024 Webinar

As students increasingly enroll in online postsecondary STEM courses, instructors and students need new strategies to bolster academic success, particularly for students systemically marginalized in STEM and higher education.

AAC&U 2024 Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Nov. 9, 2024

Join us at The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 2024 annual conference for a discussion of instructional strategies used to bolster college students’ abilities to motivate and manage their learning processes.

How Can Instructors in Online STEM Courses Support Self-Directed Learning?

The COVID-19 pandemic showed that online learning is here to stay, but it also revealed knowledge gaps around how to support all students to learn effectively online. As a result, educators are now highly motivated to develop new models for online teaching and learning that build students’ skills and motivation to learn.

The Evolution of PimaOnline

Pima Community College in Arizona is a Hispanic-serving institution that enrolls about 43,000 students, many of whom are working and have families. With 40% of students fully online, and more in virtual and hybrid courses, the college ensures that online courses are not just pale imitations of in-person courses and that their design takes into account how students learn.