Join us for Learning @ Scale, an ACM conference at the intersection of the learning sciences and computer science, to be held in Atlanta, GA from July 18 to 20, 2024.
Don’t miss our poster presentation: Technology-Based Instructional Strategies Show Promise in Improving Self-Regulated Learning Skills at Broad-Access Postsecondary Institutions
Poster Session #2 (1:15PM-2:15PM EST, Friday July 19)
This paper presents preliminary findings from a rapid-cycle evaluation that tests two technology-supported instructional strategies (videos and prompts) designed to improve SRL in online learning. Using fine-grained clickstream data from 141 students across ten sections of five courses taught at a minority-serving community college, we generate measures of SRL behavior and correlate them with students’ exposure to tested strategies. Our results indicate modestly positive relationships between both videos and prompts and SRL behavior. In addition, prompts are more strongly correlated with SRL behavior for first-generation and female students than for their peers. These initial findings reveal the promise and complexity of implementing effective and equitable technology-supported interventions to develop SRL skills and mindsets among diverse student populations in online STEM education.
The published paper can be accessed in the ACM Digital Library: https://doi.org/10.1145/3657604.3664675
- Chengyuan Yao, Ph.D. Student, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Renzhe Yu, Assistant Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University; Research Affiliate, Community College Research Center
- Hui Yang, STEM&CS Education Research, SRI Education
- Xiaoying Lin, Master’s Student, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Chengyuan Yao, Ph.D. Student, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Paul Burkander, Senior Education Researcher, SRI Education
- Krystal Thomas, Senior Education Research, SRI Education
- Jessica Mislevy, Director of Digital Learning & Technology Policy, SRI Education
Categories: Past Event