Teaching with technology to support students? Skills for managing their learning
Wednesday, November 2, 11:45-12:20 EST at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference: Online
To succeed academically, college students must develop and apply strategies for managing their learning, such as goal setting, task planning, getting help, reflecting on progress, and adjusting their strategies. Research has shown that supporting the development of these competencies fosters higher levels of perceived control and focuses students’ attention on the importance of effort for successful learning. Faculty members play a critical role in creating supportive course environments for students to develop these skills and helping to empower them with tools to succeed. This role is especially important in broad access institutions, which serve many students who received inequitable opportunities to develop these skills earlier in their educational journeys.
In this poster session, presenters from the Postsec Collab share an actionable framework to create a bridge from research to practice, to help increase understanding of how college faculty can integrate supports for self-regulated learning strategies into online STEM courses.
- Hannah Cheever, Education Researcher, SRI Education
- Brian Jones, Director of Professional Learning, Odessa College
Download the poster: How Faculty Can Use Technology to Support Students’ Self-Directed Skills for Managing Their Learning
Categories: Past Event