Kate Borelli

EDUCAUSE Annual Conference – Online November 2-3, 2022

Authors : Kate Borelli

Teaching with technology to support students? Skills for managing their learning. EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. To succeed academically, college students must develop and apply strategies for managing their learning, such as goal setting, task planning, getting help, reflecting on progress, and adjusting their strategies.

AAC&U Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education: Back to Broken? – November 3-5, 2022

Authors : Kate Borelli

Transforming STEM Higher Education: Back to Broken, AAC&U’s Conference on accelerating undergraduate STEM education reform for Creative Strategies to Support Self-Directed Learning in Online Intro STEM Courses. Researchers report on findings from a study of the ways that instructors teaching online introductory STEM courses use instructional strategies and educational technology to help students develop self-directed learning (SDL) skills and mindsets like motivation, planning, help-seeking, and reflection.

How the Montgomery College Virtual Campus Is Bringing Support Services to Online Students

Authors : Kate Borelli

Montgomery College in Maryland serves 50,000 students on three campuses and has offered courses online for more than a decade. To reach their online students, the college created the Virtual Campus to bring comprehensive support services under one digital roof.

Advancing Strategic Change with High-Impact Professional Learning

Authors : Kate Borelli

Community colleges, HBCUs, and other broad access institutions face pressing challenges related to enrollments, equity, and preparing students for citizenship and meaningful careers. Faculty are key to solving all these challenges.

Helping students attain skills that cannot be taught

Authors : Kate Borelli

Some skills can be learned and coached, but not taught. Instruction about skills like leadership, creativity, and self-directed learning reduces them to a formulaic recipe that the learner follows, without mastering the essential capabilities of recognizing the unique characteristics of a particular situation and of improvising an approach suited to the occasion.

Promising Instructional Initiatives and New Ed-Tech Features Set the Stage for Upcoming Studies with Collaborative Partner Colleges And Universities

Authors : Kate Borelli

In spring 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic compelled colleges and universities to quickly move their courses online—despite evidence that students are less likely to complete and get good grades in online courses as compared to in-person learning.