This report from the Institute of Education Sciences explores interventions related to social belonging in the postsecondary space. The report includes 14 studies, seven of which meet What Works Clearinghouse standards. It summarizes the findings in each individual study and provides a summary table of the findings.
This report from the Institute of Education Sciences explores interventions related to growth mindset on students’ academic success, college enrollment, and progress in college. The report includes 15 total studies, six of which meet What Works Clearinghouse standards. It summarizes the findings in each study and provides a summary table of the findings.
This report from DETA and WCET reviews the institutional, instructional, and learning practices that can help online learning better serve minoritized student populations. Check out the literature scan on page 6 for background research on equity in online learning. On page 17, find recommendations for higher education administrators, faculty, and staff.
This report from Bay View Analytics summarizes findings from the Digital Learning Pulse Survey, administered to faculty and administrators in two-year community colleges nationwide. Find out about the faculty and administrators’ post-pandemic perceptions of the role and importance of online technology in the mission of two-year colleges.