Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Online CTE & STEM Courses: Practitioner-Focused Research Methods. Practitioner-focused research methods can address inequities in online teaching and learning. We presented two initiatives that engage postsecondary practitioners in designing ways to foster inclusive online instruction in CTE and STEM.
Calling all Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-funded researchers! Please join us at the Annual Principal Investigators Meeting, “Building on 20 years of IES Research to Accelerate the Education Sciences,” from May 16 to 18, 2023.
Perspectives from Nine Institutions on the Role of Self-Directed Learning Skills in Online Courses. The American Educational Research Association’s (AERA’s) virtual conference, “Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth,” from May 4 to 5, 2023.
Supporting Learning and Success in Online Courses: Early Insights and Updates from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative. In this webinar for Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative partners, members of the research teams share what we are learning about strategies for supporting student success and skill development in online courses and will provide updates on Collaborative activities, findings, and plans for the upcoming academic year.
Self-directed learning instruction as a tool for equity: A framework for improving student outcomes in online STEM courses. OLC Innovate – learn more about the research around supporting diverse students’ self-directed learning skills and mindsets and practical strategies embed these strategies into online courses.
Supporting Learning and Success in Online Courses: Attending to Learning Skills and Mindsets. We engage with experts from SRI, the Community College Research Center, and participating colleges to learn about framework of learning skills and mindsets that can support student learning and success in online and hybrid courses.
Care and Support in Online STEM Courses: Insights from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative. The Community College Showcase to learn how broad-access institutions can leverage technology and the Collaborative’s framework of motivational, metacognitive, and applied learning approaches to support students in online STEM courses.
Webinar: Early Insights from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative. Achieving the Dream on Friday, October 14th, with experts from SRI, the Community College Research Center, and participating colleges to learn about new approaches to improving student success in online STEM courses. We’ll learn about the role of self-directed learning skills and mindsets and about evidence for why and how self-directed learning works and hear about examples of this strategy in practice.
Supporting Student Learning in Online STEM Courses: Insights from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative. NISOD’s Fall Virtual Conference for Supporting Student Learning in Online STEM Courses: Insights from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative. Faculty, staff, and administrators are seeking ways to support students with the learning skills and mindsets needed to succeed online…
Teaching with technology to support students? Skills for managing their learning. EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. To succeed academically, college students must develop and apply strategies for managing their learning, such as goal setting, task planning, getting help, reflecting on progress, and adjusting their strategies.